(+58) 416 615.91.88 | info@mcp.com.ve

(+58) 416 615.91.88 | info@mcp.com.ve

Corporate telephone exchanges:

We offer consultancy in telecommunications systems based on Asterisk for small and medium companies.

With this technology you can establish your own communication system in all your branches and offices. The corporate telephony and videoconference service will be available 100% of the time. It will not depend on telecommunications operators.

Local phone calls anywhere in the world:

If you want to stay connected with your corporate or personal environment within the distance of a local telephone call, we offer you our VoIP service.

Your customers, suppliers or family can contact you with just a local call. You can also call them as if you were in their office, while traveling anywhere in the world.

We have the best plans, the best rates and the best service.